Cleanroom environment

Additive Screen Printing Production Systems for Cleanroom Applications


Cleanroom production systems
for the processing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and biomaterials in detail


The 3D screen printing production systems designed to process active pharmaceutical ingredients, biomaterials or other materials are intended to use in Cleanroom Class D/ISO 8 environments and feature GAMP5-compliant software systems. These systems can be customized to further specific GMP criteria upon request.

Exentis’ additive screen-printing technology sets new standards in the processing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and biomaterials. The resource-saving cold printing process enables the production of tablets with different combinations of active ingredients, such as dosage forms with customizable release profiles, in one single, fully automated step.

Thanks to the use of pastes, these systems can be reconfigured to produce different active ingredients within minutes, as there is no contamination with powder dust. The shape of the tablets can be altered immediately by changing the screens, with new screens deliverable within two days.

EX434 iflex GMP and EX432 iflex GMP for cleanroom applications and industrial scale production

The EX434 iflex GMP and EX432 iflex GMP are our flagship units to process multiple active ingredients or biomaterials. Featuring 2 to 4 flexible units consisting of print modules and dryers, they enable the processing of various active ingredients in one seamless process. The selected screens determine the shape of the tablets and the positioning or combination of active ingredients within each tablet. A shuttle-based transport system automatically moves the tablet carriers to the next printing station after one layer is printed.

The EX434 iflex GMP with four printing towers for simultaneous processing of four active ingredients or materials

Specifications of the EX434 iflex GMP 3D screen printing production system:

  • 4 print modules, 16 tablet carriers
  • Optical calibration solutions and quality assurance systems for precise printing
  • Automatic paste feeding system
  • Modular design with a flexible and individually configurable transport system
  • Simultaneous processing of four materials
  • Stainless steel cladding and process chamber for precise cleaning
  • Designed for operation in Cleanroom Class D / ISO 8 environments
  • GAMP5-compliant software system
  • Dimensions: 7.0 x 11.55 x 2.7 m
  • Production capacity: more than 250 million tablets per production system per year

Technical information

For in-depth technical information, check out our comprehensive data sheet. To download, please leave us your e-mail address.

Specifications EX 432 iflex GMP 3D screen printing production system:

  • 2 print modules, 10 tablet carriers
  • Optical calibration solutions and quality assurance systems for precise printing
  • Automatic paste feeding system
  • Modular design with a flexible and individually configurable transport system
  • Simultaneous processing of two materials
  • Stainless steel cladding and process chamber for precise cleaning
  • Designed for operation in Cleanroom Class D / ISO 8 environments
  • GAMP5-compliant software system
  • Dimension: 7.0 x 8.0 x 2.7 m
  • Production capacity: more than 200 million tablets per production system/year

Technical information

For in-depth technical information, check out our comprehensive data sheet. To download, please leave us your e-mail address.

EX431 GMP for cleanroom applications and process development

Our 3D development and production system EX431 GMP is recommended for process development and additive manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. This system consists of a printing module, an integrated circulating air drying unit and a combined positioning system for quality assurance and the loading and unloading of tablet carriers.

Thanks to the processing of pastes, the system can be converted to process a different active ingredient in just a few minutes. It is therefore ideally suited to the production of investigational medicinal products and tablets for clinical studies.

Specifications EX 431 3D screen printing production system:

  • 1 print module, 1 tablet carrier
  • Optical calibration solutions and quality assurance systems for precise printing
  • Automatic paste feeding system
  • Stainless steel cladding and process chamber for precise cleaning
  • Designed for operation according to clean room classes D / ISO 8
  • GAMP5 compliant software system
  • Dimension: 4.3 x 2 x 2.75 m
  • Production capacity: more than 10 Mio. Tablets per production system/year

Technical information

For in-depth technical information, check out our comprehensive data sheet. To download, please leave us your e-mail address.

Exentis’ 3D screen-printing technology sets new production standards in the pharmaceutical industry and for biomaterial processing. Its flexibility, efficiency, and cleanroom compatibility unlocks new ways to manufacture complex tablets and pharmaceutical products.

Discover now how our innovative production systems can optimize your manufacturing processes. Contact us today for a personal consultation and find out more about Exentis Industrialized Additive Manufacturing: contact